The Oracle of the Angels of September 20.09.2016



I have to go in this direction or that one?” you wonder. One day you’re sure of your decision, the next come back to be full of doubts. To solve and overcome this indecision, you have to concentrate on the Divine purpose of your life. Even if you are not sure of the exact nature of your mission, you know sitratta of procuring peace, both to yourself and others. With this in mind, then, what decision creates in you a greater sense of peace? If you are still unsure, ask God and the angels to offer further help. You can turn the following question: “What decision will benefit the greatest number of people?”. This is an excellent basis on which to make a choice. Sometimes, the simplest way is the one that moves you the most from your Divine purpose. Thus, it is possible that your indecision is the result of fear of creating problems or uncertainty of the future. In these cases it is appropriate to opt for a gradual change. Changes course gradually, day after day, more and more by moving away from the old road.

Nadia Aglianò  Translated by Noemy Zaffiro

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