The Oracle of the Angels of September 18.09.2016



I’m so glad you asked for help to God and the angels. I’m here to ask you to be willing to accept our help. Sometimes I see you deal with hard situations that could be solved easily, if only I allowed me to help you. I expect you to give me a signal (a call for help, in the form of prayer or thought) in order to contribute to finding a solution. Now you asked for my help, and I am very happy to assist you. please just let me help you, as at other times you’ve stopped me from doing it. You thought you do not deserve my support, or you thought it was too dangerous to make the life changes that were necessary. Remember that you are here to help you relax your mind. And ‘necessary that you trust my directions. Pay attention to strong repetitive impressions that manifest themselves in the form of thoughts, feelings and visions, because it is in this way that God makes use of my intermediary to send you messages. We will not allow you to fail in any way. While follow Divine, Heaven offers all his support.

Nadia Aglianò  Translated by Noemy Zaffiro

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